If you have an Xtra email account, please complete the following procedure to assist the Volaby team in helping you sign up/in successfully.
Save the Volaby email to your email account contact list:
If you are using an Xtra email account, you may not receive email notifications from the Volaby system, unless you have the Volaby email saved in your contacts. Please complete the following steps before signing up:
Sign into your Xtra account
Click on the ‘Address Book’ tab on the upper corner of the screen
Click on ‘New’ and a drop down menu will appear, click ‘Add Contact’
Fill in the following information and Click ‘Save’
Company: Volaby
Email: noreply@volaby.org
Now that you have the Volaby email address in your contacts, Volaby emails will be accepted into your inbox. If you have completed the above steps for your Xtra account, and have still not received a verification email, please reach out to the Volaby team through the chat and we can help you.