Volaby 2.2.0 - 17 December
Written by Emma Duce
Updated over a week ago

We're thrilled to bring you one last update before 2020 closes out!

Upgrades & New Features

For this release, we'll be presenting an exciting addition to roster options, a stack of visual upgrades to how volunteers view and interact with upcoming availabilities and a slew of other delightful improvements.

  1. Open rosters: Activities now have the option of two different roster types: Managed and Open. Managed rosters are rosters as you currently know them, with no change to the way it works. Open rosters are self-managed rosters where volunteers can manage their own attendances. Managers can still make and publish changes to open rosters.

  2. Your Activities upgrade: We have given the "Your Activities" widget (found on My Elements and My Activities) an upgrade that sees more information being shared with volunteers for their upcoming activities. Volunteers can now see session availability and status messages reflecting their availability preference for each activity, as well as roster publication information where relevant.

  3. Roster interface redesign: The roster screen has received a series of visual improvements to give Managers a cleaner interface to work with. We have introduced horizontal scroll and fixed minimum widths for session columns, as well as simplifying the way volunteers are grouped.

  4. Improved visibility on changes made to rosters: As part of the roster interface redesign, we have added dedicated states to represent volunteer additions and removals to a roster. A fixed footer card that appears when changes have been made to a roster has also been added to make it easy to identify rosters that have unpublished changes.

In-app Support

In-app Live Chat: Can't log in? Got a question for us? Need help with a task? Look for the Live Chat icon at the bottom right corner of any page you're on to start a conversation with the Volaby team or search our database of articles at any time.

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