See the permissions guide here to view what an Activity Leader can access and can do for you and your team.
To promote a volunteer to an Activity Leader:
Navigate to Activities Management
In the Activity information screen scroll down until you hit the list of the "Team Information" Remember your team is the pool of volunteers that are associated mostly with that activity that you want to roster on regularly.
Click Edit
Click on the volunteer you want to be an Activity Leader, their profile will open and when you exit it was pop up with (Activity Leader) beside their name. You can have more than 1 Activity Leader per team, and you can also have an Activity Leader for a single volunteer activity. Also, your Activity Leaders can be Activity Leaders of more than 1 activity if need be.
Click on the 'X' to close.
Click Done to save your changes
Please note: The volunteer promoted from volunteer to Activity Leader will be notified via email about this promotion.
If you need to remove this permission from someone, use the same steps as above until (Activity Leader) is not next to their name. If you click the red X on the left side of their name, this will remove them from the team.