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Tracking Incoming Volunteers
Tracking Incoming Volunteers

Keeping on top of your volunteer applications is important to your operations and a way to keep your applicants engaged.

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Written by Volaby Support
Updated over a year ago

Note: At this time, there is no prompt to Admins when a new volunteer application is awaiting approval.

  • You can now leave comments against your incoming volunteers, click here to learn more. These will not be visible to the volunteer, it is just a way for you to keep note for admin purposes!

  • Email reminders can be sent along with a personalised message and list of outstanding tasks to move your volunteers along, click here for more information.


A couple of new features to note here will be your ability to filter down your applicants to their applicant states. The Incoming Volunteers page is visible to Program Managers and Admins.

Program Managers are able to view and manage only invitees they invited and applicants who have nominated to join their program.

Admins are able to view and manage all invitees and applicants.

Filter: Show Any/Show Applicant/Show Only Invitees

  • Show Any is where you will be able to see all of your applicant volunteers (Invitees and Applicants) at any stage of their application process.

  • Show Invitees is how you can see the list of your potential volunteers who have been invited into Volaby by a manager. These volunteers would not have accepted the invitation yet, therefore have not progressed to the next stage of setting up their volunteer profile. From this point, you can click into their name and see the two functions, either Revoking the invite, or Resending the invitation. Revoking an invite means that the link sent to the volunteer on the invite email will no longer be functioning therefore, if the potential volunteer would like to proceed in that application process, they will need to start at the very beginning of the application process. Resending the invite to a potential volunteer means that you are pushing that email invite from Volaby back to the top of their inbox.
    NB: sending an invitation to a potential volunteer allows them to skip the screening question you can design for them in the Admin Console.

  • Show Applicant is where you will be able to filter you applicant volunteers to see who has created an account and potentially has started creating their volunteer profile by completing the tasks you have set for them. If next to their “Account Created” status on this filtered a progress bar appears then have been successful in submitting completed tasks (see below for reference).

Filter: Show All/Show Pending Review/Show Active/Show Removed

  • Show All is how you can see all of the volunteers in your list, depending on your other filter selections.

  • Show Pending Review is where you will be able to filter down to see only the volunteer applicants who have submitted tasks that require a manager’s approval. See here for how to set tasks on manual (manger’s) approval or automatic.

  • Show Removed is where you will be able to applications that have been previously removed. See how to remove applicants below.

Filter: Sort by Recent Activity/Sort by Progress

  • Sort by Recent Activity is how you can filter your volunteer applicants depending on how recent they have been active in the onboarding process. This can be for any state of volunteer applicant.

  • Sort by Progress is where you can filter you volunteer applicants in the order from someone who has completed (or almost complete) each task in the Volunteer Profile all the way down to someone who has submitted their answers to the screening questions.

Incoming Volunteer States

Invitee: They have been invited by a manager to complete the volunteer profile tasks set. This means that they will bypass the screening questions created.

Revoking an invite: you can only do this if you have invited the volunteer to sign up through Volaby and they have not started their application yet (if they have done this, then you can remove their application). Click onto the invitee you would like to revoke and click 'Revoke Invite'

Applied // Account Created: They have either been automatically approved in the screening questions round or accepted the invitation in the invite email to therefore create their Volaby account

Applied or Invited // Pending Review: They have completed tasks set by a manager that now require manual approval. If this is the last task to approve for this applicant, the button would change from Approve Task to Approve Volunteer Profile. Once a volunteer applicant has had their entire volunteer profile approved they will no longer exist in the incoming volunteers page and move to the volunteer database.

Removing Incoming Volunteers

Removing applications from your incoming volunteers list is a really good way to keep this list as up to date as possible with committed and genuine applicants. You can only do this for applicants who have begun this process. Invitees who have not started this process can be revoked (see above).

  1. Click on an applicant

  2. Click Remove Applicant button located in the top right of the header

  3. Confirm the removal. Click on 'Remove Applicant'.

When an applicant is removed, all of their onboarding progress will be removed and their account will be deactivated.

Removed applicants are notified of the removal via an automated email informing them that their application has been unsuccessful.

Approving Incoming Volunteers

Volunteers who have finished all their required tasks will need their profile to be approved and activated before they can access their full volunteering account. There are two ways a volunteer's profile can be approved:

  1. Manager approval: A volunteer can complete each of their tasks on their profile, and each of these steps can be set to be approved by the Manager. At the conclusion of this the Manager can then approve the volunteer and move them into the Volunteer Database.

  2. Self-activation: A volunteer can complete each of their tasks, have each step be approved by the Manager and then after all have been approved, the volunteer can then click "Submit your profile" and activate themselves - as all of their tasks have been approved by the Manager.

Note: Once their profile is approved, volunteers will receive an email inviting them to start looking for activities to join.

Please click here to see more on assisting your volunteers through their application process by: bypassing applicants or completing/editing tasks on their behalf.

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