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Exporting incident reports
Exporting incident reports

How to export data from submitted incident reports

Volaby Support avatar
Written by Volaby Support
Updated over a week ago

Read on to understand how to access the data from submitted incident reports. These reports can either be bulk exported by their stage or individually exported. See instructions on either option below.

Further information on creating or managing incident reports through Volaby available by clicking the links.

Export an individual incident report:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Management page on your account.

  2. Select the incident report you are wanting to download from the New, In Review, Completed or Archive tabs.

  3. The panel on the right hand side will populate with the content of the submitted report.

  4. Click the three dots icon at the top of the panel and select "Export CSV"

  5. A CSV containing the data from the individual report will appear in the Downloads folder on your computer/device. Please note: attached files contained within incident reports will not be included in the export.

Export reports from an entire tab:

  1. Navigate to the Incident Management page on your account.

  2. Select the tab you are wanting to bulk export reports from, either New, In Review, Completed or Archive tabs.

  3. Select the "Export" button.

  4. A CSV containing the data from all reports currently contained within the tab will appear in the Downloads folder on your computer/device. Please note: attached files contained within incident reports will not be included in the export.

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