Admins can now send bulletins (including an email notification / message) to different segments of their volunteers.
This can include segmenting bulletins to:
Different Programs (one or more!)
Different Activities within these Programs
And different Roles within these Programs & Activities
NEW!! Now you can even segment by Permission Levels
When selecting the option to "Notify Volunteers" - this will also now send them a message within the email (should they not wish to login!).
Examples Use Cases:
If your drivers (role type) need to be reminded to update their driver's licences task, you could send a specific Bulletin to one or all programs > but only to those who have the role DRIVER!
If you had a Program called (say) BRISBANE, and there was a change in the team or organisation that only effected this location, you could send a Bulletin specifically to these volunteers so that others aren't confused, or receive unnecessary information.
This can now also be used for resources! Sharing information with the necessary users!