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Release Notes
Release Notes
New Release: Roster View Across Multiple Weeks (Bulk Rosters)
New Release: Quiz Tasks
New Release: Availability Accessibility
New Release: Import Volunteers
More Improvements (Release April 2022)
Volunteer Roles and Badges!
New My Elements and Activities Pages
New Manager Nav Menu
New Release: Track Email Communications, More Power Over Onboarding Volunteers, Changes to Task Folders and more!
New Release: New Report Tools, Bulk Rosters View and Signatures Field
New Release: No Report Required and the new Availability Centre
New Release: Comms Preferences, Role Badges, Activity Tasks
Complete Tasks Post-Onboarding
New Release: Incoming Volunteer Reminders!
Activities & Rosters - Revamp!
Prevent Volunteers Joining Full Sessions
Admin Dashboard
Warning on Maximum Volunteers in a Session
Program Filter for Incoming Volunteers
Bulk Activity Availabilities
New Release: Task Management Page
Navigation Menu Update
New Release: Segmented Bulletins and Resources!
Volaby 2.9.1 Release Notes
Volaby 2.7.0 Release Notes
Volaby 2.8.0 Release Notes
Volaby 2.5.0 - 13 April
New Release: Revoke or Bypass tasks
Volaby 2.0.0 - 2.1.0 - 30 October
Volaby 1.2.0 - 25 September
Volaby 1.1.0 - 25 August
Volaby 1.0.0 - 29 July
Volaby 2.4.0 - 8 March
New Release: Bulletins Posted By Program Managers, Segmentation by Permission Level and more!
New Release: Apply and Hide Programs, Session Full Notifications, Reordering of Tasks and Badges on Volunteer Dashboard
New Release: Comment Reactions, View SMS Reply Status
New Release: Volunteer Profile, Impact Dashboard, Segmentation and More
Release v4.0.1.0
Release v4.0.2.0
Release v4.0.0.0